
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yard Work - Love this time of year!

Monday Darin & I decided to do some landscaping in the front yard, pulled up the cactus, moved the cannas from between the hedges out into the circle flower bed & walkway flower bed, worked on both flower beds and then today Darin planted some new grass in between the hedges close to the house. We decided to get rid of both flower beds right in front of the house and allow the hedges to grow together (once they are big enough) will make maintenance of them a lot easier and hopefully give the cannas & hedges more room to thrive.

Here are a few photos that I took the other day before we started any work in the front
the walkway beds are very unbalanced right now, I used to have a mirror image of each flower on each side but the snow killed most my plants, this year I tried seeds and they are just now coming up

This flower garden looks kinda like it was just thrown in the middle of the yard now that the huge pine tree is gone. Thinking of either a bird bath for the middle or a big potted plant/tree. Eventually we will dig out the old stump and plant a new smaller non sap tree.

this is an area by our side door (dinning room) that was nothing but mud so Darin added some grass squares so hopefully by next spring it should be all green and pretty

And these are some after shots

you can see on the right side of the house that we haven't dug out all the old mulch yet, Darin must have dug up a good 6 inches of it on the left side already

after removing LOTS of old mulch, the small old worn out white "fence" and my cannas, then adding grass squares

the walkway flower bed a little more balanced, added some cannas & moved some of those white plants from the right side to the left to balance it out more

and two pictures of my pretty lillies


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