June 13th I went into my regular 33 week prenatal appointment fully expecting to go home - boy was I wrong! My dr was out of town so I saw the midwife Kim and they checked my BP and it was 180/98 which is BAD so they had me lay on my side for 15 minutes and while they checked my urine for proteins, sure enough I was spilling proteins and my BP did not go down much after a recheck so she wanted me to head over to L&D for a 24 hour observation. I had my boys with me so I told her I had to take them to my mom's first and then I could head over there. So I stopped off at home got the boys and myself an over night bag, headed to moms dropped them off and then back to the hospital I went. At the hospital they ordered a 24 hr urine test, a non stress test on the baby and blood work as well as be on the BP cuff the whole time. My blood work came back showing that I had elevated liver enzymes so they needed to keep me longer then the original 24hrs until my numbers went down, they said between my BP being so high, high liver numbers, swelling, dizziness and my history of pre ecclampsia they may have to induce me within a week once I hit 34 weeks. They started steroid shots at 7pm and did more blood work as well as schedule a growth ultrasound to see how big Hunter is and then we will go from there.
June 14th - Wednesday night around 11 pm I started having contractions and went from completely closed to low, soft & 2cm in just 2 hours so they hooked me up to an IV and a contraction monitor.They gave me two shots of something to stop the contractions and they didn't work so they gave me something called procardia that did finally work. So today I have had no contraction thankfully but did have a growth scan done, the scan shows him to be measuring 2 weeks and 2 days ahead so 35 weeks & 3 days instead of 33 weeks & 1 day. They also gave me a second steroid shot and I am still hooked up to IV fluids. They are doing a wait and see right now and won't check me again unless the contractions start really hurting. They moved me into one of the postpartum rooms for the time being.
June 16th - Yesterday was a whirlwind both emotionally & physically. around noon yesterday I started having contractions again so they hooked me up to the monitor and told me to let them know when they started hurting, I didn't say anything until about an hour later and the nurse came in and said ya they should be hurting they are off the charts! So she called the OB in and they checked me and said I was 4cm dilated and needed to be moved to L&D again. Most the rooms were full so they ended up putting me in the same room I had delivered Waller in 6 years earlier and my stress level went through the roof! Most people don't know but I suffered postpartum depression for about 8 months after he was born, mainly due to the trauma of his birth, and what happened at the hospital (won't go into that now, better left for another day) so being back in the same room was not fun. After being in the room for a few hours around 4pm the OB comes in and says she talked with the NICU dr and he told her he didn't feel comfortable taking care of a 33 weeker so she had contacted a specialist in Dallas at Baylor Medical since they have a level 3 NICU and between her, the specialist and my regular OB they decided I needed to be transferred. They tell me I have to be hooked up to magnesium to stop labor so that I don't go into labor during the hour long ambulance ride which of course means I have to have a catheter which sends me into an almost full blown panic attack, I had been on mag before and know how horrible it is AND last time I had a catheter (put in at this hospital when I had Walker) it messed me up for months. Darin had to calm me down as best he could and he called our friend Cody to come give me a blessing which helped ease my fears a bit. Once they got everything hooked up we had about two hour wait till the ambulance got there. Darin followed behind the ambulance all the way to Dallas and after about an hour ride we arrived around 9pm. They sent me to L&D to be hooked up and for monitoring and to see if they could get my contractions to stop or if we were gonna have him that day. The maternal/fetal specialist came in around midnight and did a check on me and found I was only 2cm!! The OB had measured me wrong (he said there is an inside and outside measurement and the one that counts was only 2cm, so they felt confidant they could get my contractions stopped and keep Hunter in longer. He did an ultrasound on him and said he is measuring still 2 weeks & 2 days ahead (we know my due date is right as we know exactly when he was conceived and he measured exactly on track until I hit about 24 weeks when he started measuring big even though I did not have GD) he said he is about 6 pounds 13 ounces already and very long! They kept me in L&D until around 5pm when they moved me upstairs to an Antepartum room for observation. They were able to get my contractions stopped and stabilize my BP but protein levels went up, they were 302 after my 24 hr test at the first hospital and 495 after just 12 hrs at this hospital!
33 weeks 2 days
June 17th - I lost my mucus plus or part of it sometimes last night, I have been spotting and cramping all morning, they said there are no contractions showing up but that it doesn't mean my cervix isn't doing it's own thing. I will see the MF specialist tomorrow morning around 8am for another ultrasound to check on Hunter and make sure he is doing ok. I will have ultrasounds done Monday & Wednesday's until I deliver. The MF said that even though the scans are not 100% he is confident that Hunter is large for his age and with having two steroid shots he has a really good chance of little to no help should we have to induce due to my proteins and liver numbers going up. For now it is more wait and see.
1 day shy of 34 weeks
sono taken June 18th
sono taken June 20th
June 23rd - Things have been pretty uneventful the last 10 days, I am still in the same room waiting. I get monitored twice a day (hooked up to BP cuff & contraction/heart rate monitor for Hunter) as well as get meds 4-6 times a day including medication to stop contractions. I get short ultrasounds twice a week and blood work twice a week as well as do a 24 hr urine collection once a week. My protein level doubled to almost 800 then a few days later went back down to 325. My liver numbers are still high at 86 when normal is 40 so I am not being released until Hunter is born. They expect him to come during my 36th week as my other two did but have an induction scheduled for July 18th when I am 38 weeks. We asked why we can not be sent home or sent back to the first hospital and the way it was explained was if they send me home and I stroke out then they are responsible, and they can not send me back to the hospital I was in because they can not "down grade" hospitals as it is not as advanced as where I am now. While it really sucks being away from my boys and Darin and only seeing them twice a week I am relived not to have to deliver in the other hospital again.
June 25th - I had another ultrasound this morning and Hunter is doing amazingly well, said he added on another 1/2 a pound this week and is about the size of your average 37 weeker. They said his lungs look great and if I got into labor on my own in my 36th week (July 4th) then they won't stop it. The nurses here are pretty amazing and are really trying to make this stay as easy on me as possible, which is really nice. Twice a week on Monday & Wednesday the moms that are allowed out of bed get to go to the family room for group therapy where we get to do crafts and such for the baby and our other kids for those that have them. Last week we made origami cranes then strung them up with beads and crystals to make light catchers, my boys thought they were so neat. It's nice to go as we get to interact with the other moms for about two hours and get out of our rooms.
These photos were taken on the 30th
3rd - Around midnight I
started having contractions every 5 minutes lasting 1-2 minutes each
time. I had been cramping off and on all day but nothing to bad.
My night nurse Michelle decided to hook me up to the monitor to check on Hunter
and see if the contractions I was feeling would show up. Sure enough they were
showing up every 3-5 minutes for 1 minute each. They wanted to see if I
was in labor or not so they gave me a pain pill and a round of IV fluids to see
if that would stop the contractions. It did not after a few
hours they called the ob resident to my room to check me and found I had
dilated to 4 cm from the 2cm I was when I first came to the unit and I was 20% effaced and baby was
at -3 station.
So at 3:30 they decided to send me downstairs to Labor & Delivery saying we
would have the baby today. Darin and I were very excited even though we knew
that Hunter would be early, he had had steroids at 33.2 and was consistently measuring
2.2 weeks ahead. We get down to L&D at 3am and get hooked up to an IV
and antibiotics since I had not had my GBS test yet and get mentally ready to
have our 3rd little boy. After 2 hours of strong contractions at 5:30 am the
nice ob on call checked me and I had progressed to 5cm, 50 % effaced and -2
station. The really nice OB on call told me I could get up and walk, move
positions and things like that to keep my contractions going good and that we
should have a baby by noon or so if things keep going they way they are. She
was not worried at all that I was only 35 weeks 6 days since both my other
babies came during my 36th week. Then shift swap happened and things started going down
hill. I get
a paranoid OB who right away had an
attitude, who tells me I have to stay in bed flat on my back, can't get up
except to pee, stay hooked up to the monitor the whole nine yards and I started
getting stressed out and my contractions slowed down over the next few hours
and completely stopped at 8:30am, I was stuck at 5cm, 50% effaced and
baby at -3 station. So after an hour and a lot of crying I was sent back to my
room on the antepartum unit. The OB said they would give me nothing to augment
the labor. After arriving back in my room I was greeted by my amazing day
nurse Danielle and told the ob that sent me back wanted to give me meds to stop
contractions but she had stepped in and said look she is 5cm, she goes into
labor early anyways and she is 1 day away from 36 weeks and convinced the ob I
didn't need to be on the pill. By the time I went to sleep it was about 10pm
after being up since midnight. I was pretty depressed and had no cramps,
contractions or anything all night. The nurses think I just completely stressed
myself into stopping labor.
sono taken July 2nd
4th - Today I have had not one single contraction but Darin & the
boys came out and spent all day with me, had lunch and even took a nap with
monkey, it was a nice day to help take my mind off of everything that happened
yesterday. The nurses wheeled us all to one side of the floor so we could watch the fireworks being shot off at fair park. I have now been in the hospital for 3 full weeks.
my last "meal" before delivery - cheese enchiladas yumo
36 weeks - last belly shot
July 6th - Our first night was great. We both slept really well and Hunter slept skin to skin on me all night. And after nursing like crazy his blood sugar levels have gone down and he is in the clear! He also passed all his newborn screening tests except for his hearing test which we will go back and redo when he is 2 weeks old and passed his carseat test. They need to keep him/us for 48 hours to wait on his CBC test results so we are just hanging out here till then.
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