
Friday, May 13, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill In -#40

I'm following along with http://wifeofasailor.com/ and her military spouse friday fill in. I'm coming in as they are already on Friday #40 but still think it will be fun to do.

Friday Fill in #40

1. Which was the best day of your life - wedding day or homecoming day?

Our last (and first deployment) happened so fast after he enlisted that the whole year was a whirlwind. While him coming home was an amazing day our wedding by far out beats it for being the best day between them.

2. Were you part of the joining the military question or did you sign up for the relationship when your man was already in the military?

I was a part of it. DH had never even hinted or said anything about joining any branch of military. Then one day when our oldest son was just about 2 months old he said he was thinking about joining the National Guard and had talked to a recruiter about it. We talked about it and prayed about it for about a month without telling anyone what we were thinking of doing. He told me that it was my decision, that if I said no he wouldn't and that would be that.  Saying yes was one of the hardest decisions I had made up to that point. He signed his enlistment papers 12 days shy of our son's 3 month mark, 5 months later he was in bootcamp & ait and gone for 4 1/2 months, then just 10 months later he was on his 1st deployment.

3. What is your favorite Disney movie and why?
I've always loved Beauty & the Beast, I love the message behind it and it's one that whenever it comes on I have to watch it.

4. What is your favorite family activity to do on the weekend?
CAMPING, my whole family (boys included) love being out at the lake, camping, on the boat, fishing. It is just a great way to get out and away from it all.

5. Where do you secretly wish you could be stationed with your SO's line of work (realistically speaking, not everyone can be stationed at NAS Fiji)?

One big reason DH choose the guard was so that we wouldn't have to move around. But had he chosen active army I would have loved to be stationed in Germany or Italy, I think the cultural differences would have been so neat to see and experience.


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